"For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver." Martin Luther King
Trees for Tomorrow is Return to Origins signature campaign. A significant symbol of our origins that represents our work. Youth and nature connection, homecoming, healing, nurturing, leaving a legacy, belonging, planting seeds, visioning, protection and preservation of our heritage and transformation.
We have been gifted indigenous trees from Kirstenbosch nursery in Cape Town. Donations from our communities, local and international for the trees, have been gifted, and we have taken the trees to underserved communities in Cape Town to be planted by the youth. It is a powerful vision to witness a child gently planting the roots of a tree in an urban desert, beset by violence on a daily basis. The action of a 7 year old pouring water onto the tree while the community make prayers for peace for the future is the legacy of the vision for Return To Origin.
Sowing The Gifts We Reap
"The planting and sowing of seeds, is of remembering the value of community and connection. Planting trees with some of the children from the Vrygrond Community in Falsebay reminded me of the importance of connecting youth with nature and of re-inspiring in them and in ourselves a value for the natural world. In establishing this preservation of and connection to the earth, nature will be loved and protected, and the youth will be gifted with woodlands and fields to play in, trees to climb and tell their secrets to… For in treasuring our relationship with the natural world, and in the sacred act of sowing the gifts we reap, we reap micro-habitats, oxygen, food, shade, shelter and medicine…" Angelique Micheals, Return To Origin, Indigenous Knowledge Leadership Program
"It is exactly this sense of community involvement that lies at the heart of Return to Origin and the work that we do! I would, therefore, like to express our immense gratitude to all those that contributed with their donations, support and patronage to make planting of trees in Vryground possible.
Thanks to your assistance we were able to visit the community at Vrygrond three days later on Mandela Day, honouring Tata Madiba’s legacy and memory by planting trees with the youth there; doing our small part to bring Nature’s healing presence back into this community that is all too often beset with violence. Visiting Vrygrond and spending time and energy in service to the youth and community there has served as a reminder of the importance of the work that we do.
And thus the river joins the sea…" Arnoldt Michaels Trainee Leader Indigenous Knowledge Leadership Program.
Please assist us in donating to our next tree planting on September 24th 2018, Heritage Day, where we will be donating 20 trees to the Baphumelele Fountain of Hope project. Each tree is R200 and as well as 20 trees, a portion of monies will go Baphumele as well as continuing Return to Origin's Youth nature connection work.
Baphumele is directed toward young people aged 18-21, who have been raised in residential care or who have recently been orphaned or who are vulnerable, with a safe and nurturing environment to transition positively towards adulthood.
What you love you protect, a community thrives when we all bring our gifts. Thank you. Donating is simple -go directly to www.returntoorigin.org.za