Inspiring people to re-imagine their relationship to their world

Coming Home School Project and Exhibition

October 22nd -28th,  2022, Ekuphumleni, Kenton-on-Sea, in collaboration with Ikamvalesizwe School and Amazwi South African Museum of Literature.

“Almost a year to the day since Return to Origin’s Sustainable Together Project, the ‘Coming Home Project’ was born out of the same land and community. The reverberations of one of their themes,  Khula Nam (“Grow with me”) was indeed the result of the original work of the community - a gift that keeps on giving. What was incredibly exciting was that our vision and dream of engaging the next generation was realised.

- Mbali Marais, Founder, Return to Origin”

“Return to Origin’s Coming Home project, building on the Sustainable Together Exhibition, supported the community of Ekuphumleni to share their remarkable stories with their children. Retaining and reclaiming the dignity, self-respect and wisdom of their culture, traditions, and connection to nature, which remain alive and responsive to the world we live in and its very real challenges of climate change, water scarcity, hunger, violence, and poverty. Working with the children of Ikamvalesizwe school, I felt the spirit of those traditions - ancient and emerging out of a deep relationship with the land and water – vibrate into the future, providing “all we need to know” about how to be, and thrive, in the moment we are in.  This community faces so many challenges, yet looking at the homes around us, the ceremonies continue, the kraals are built, the gardens planted, the livestock kept.  And the kids, when shown the beauty, power and resilience of their elders’ stories and the deep intimacy with nature which is their legacy, were rapt with attention and ready to sing their gratitude in beautifully choreographed songs and dances before they headed back to school.

- Dominique Santos, Community Outreach Director, Return to Origin”

“Let us not forget our origin.

Us, as black people, we should not forget who we are…


I am proud to be a black child.

Masikhuleni Sonke!

(Let us grow, all of us!)

- Reflection by Grade 8 Learner,
Ikamva Lesizwe School”

“In this project, I learnt that nothing is more important than doing something that can change someone's life. I believe after hosting the Ikamvalesizwe grade 8 learners, something has changed for the better in their lives.

The way forward is to make sure that this project reaches more people in our community. I believe it can change many lives.

- Vuyisani Nobi, Community Ambassador, Return to Origin”

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