Inspiring people to re-imagine their relationship to their world

Category: Fundraising

Intlanganiso Secondary School on Heritage Day

Trees for Tomorrow @ Intlanganiso Secondary School on Heritage Day On a day devoted to honouring and celebrating shared legacies of cultural, material and symbolic attributes inherited from past generations, and as part of Return to Origin’s Trees For Tomorrow Campaign, we facilitated a day of tree planting at Intlanganiso Secondary School in Khayelitsha. Thanks […]

Baphumele Fountain of Hope

The ‘Trees for Tomorrow’ campaign forms part of a series of projects inspired by Return to Origin’s awareness of the great value and power in reconnecting Youth with Nature. In sowing seeds of promise and purpose today, we aspire towards leaving a legacy of healing and abundance for the generations who are to inherit the world tomorrow. Thanks […]

Trees for Tomorrow, Mandela Day, Leave a Legacy, Vryground

"For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver." Martin Luther King Trees for Tomorrow is Return to Origins signature campaign. A significant symbol of our origins that represents our work. Youth and nature connection,  homecoming, healing, […]

Community, Nature and Culture

Mbali Marais
Sowing The Gifts We Reap- Angelique Michaels, Trainee Leader This month has been one of planting and of sowing seeds, and for me personally, one of remembering the value of community and connection. On July 15, Return to Origin hosted its annual fundraiser and we, trainee leaders of the organisation’s Indigenous Knowledge Leadership Program, being […]

Nature Meets Culture -Art and Craft Market- July 15th.

Mbali Marais
"When children and nature are re-united the natural world is more deeply valued and protected." - Richard Louv You are cordially invited to join us for our annual Nature meets Culture Arts and Craft Market to celebrate and honour the work with youth, nature and community that lies at the heart of Return to Origin.

Origins - A community venture.

Mbali Marais
Blog Post: Lindsay Burch Trainee Leader, Indigenous Knowledge Leadership Program. In Service Training This month is the half way point in our second year as part of the Indigenous Knowledge Leadership Program (IKLP). It also represented our first opportunity for Return to Origin (RTO) to begin interacting with community. All the effort from many individuals […]
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