Inspiring people to re-imagine their relationship to their world

Angelique Olivia Michaels
Project Facilitator / Trailblazer

Angelique is a graduated leader in Return to Origin's Indigenous Knowledge Leadership Program and a postgraduate at Stellenbosch University.

Following her research on shelter materiality, infrastructure and the politics of race, place and belonging in post-apartheid Cape Town, she has been awarded the presidential doctoral scholarship to complete her PhD in Social Anthropology at the University of Manchester.

Inspired by the power of place and the various ways that the natural and built environment shapes us, even as we shape it, her research takes a critical look at the narratives of inclusion and exclusion inscribed in urban design and the material and spatial practices it informs.

Foregrounding of participants' perspectives and integrating principles of design anthropology with the knowledge gleaned from RTO's Leadership Program and her involvement in projects facilitating youth-nature connection, she envisions co-creating spaces with people in underserved communities in and around Cape Town.

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